
Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

Hello all ..
I give thanks for your virtual visit on my blog.

First, let us introduce ourselves.. hehehe

Sumiyati is my name, was born in West Java March 31, 1993 exactly in the city of Cirebon.
in my family, I'm a middle child. I had an older sister and younger sister.
as a child, quite happy. but I'm also not be considered after asister, it was common. and it is also a form of me today.
um, I'm still good, I don't turn into psychopaths, haha​​.

so many things I like.
I love music, but more like the music from the outside than from within my own country, for me the music here is polluted.
I'm a KPOPER. in it I like the group BIGBANG2PMB2ST  and much more.
I was a dropout. I stopped while in high school, I was still in its first year. sad really, but I'm trying to accept the sincerity of what has been decided.

now what I do? nothing.
I didn't have much activity, I just take care of the home when all my family live out their activities.

why I didn't try to work or do anything that produce commercialvalue? hm .. I'm trying

I have a dream. become a photographer at a time traveler, traveling the world and recently I wanted to be a writer, hehe. open a small cafe, so I wanted to build a cafe.

I wanted to share the latest photos of me, I hope it doesn't leave a bad image. hahaha 

now I join a business network with PT. Melia Sehat Sejahtera since March 3, 2012. And this My pict...

I guess that's enough for this short introduction, I hope that the friendship can continue. You can add me on My facebook or follow My Twitter account.